Using the Save As Controls

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Using the Save As Controls

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You use the Save As Controls to copy, rename, and delete evaluation projects.

Save As Controls

Save As Controls

tog_minusSaving a File

You can save an evaluation file on the ValuSource server, or on your own computer.

1.To save the file on the server, select Save to an on-line file. To save the file on your computer, select Save to a file on my computer.

2.If you're saving the file on the server, you can overwrite an existing file by selecting it from the file list, or you can create a new file by entering a name in the File name text box. If you're saving the file on your computer, enter a name in the File name text box.

Enter Filename

3.Click on the Save button. BESWeb will save the evaluation file.

tog_minusRenaming an Online File

To rename an online file, click on it in the list, then click on the Rename button.

tog_minusDeleting an Online File

To delete an online file, click on it in the list, then click on the Delete button.

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File Operations