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Field Name

Source Book

Row # & Title

Form 1120

Schedule, Line # & Title


Net Sales

35 Business receipts

Main form, 1c Bal

Gross receipts or sales less returns and allowances

Cost of Goods Sold

47 Cost of goods sold

Main form, 2 Cost of goods sold


Gross Profit



= Net Sales – Cost of Goods Sold

Compensation of Officers

48 Compensation of officers

Main form, 12 Compensation of officers


Repairs & Maintenance

50 Repairs

Main form, 14 Repairs and maintenance


Bad Debts

51 Bad debts

Main form, 15 Bad debts


Rent Paid on Business Property

52 Rent paid on business property

Main form, 16 Rents


Charitable Contributions

55 Charitable contributions

Main form, 19 Charitable contributions



56 Amortization

Main form, 26 Other deductions



57 Depreciation

Main form, 20 Depreciation



58 Depletion

Main form, 21 Depletion



59 Advertising

Main form, 22 Advertising


Def'd Comp (Pension, Prof Shr, etc.)

60 Pension, profit-sharing, etc., plans

Main form, 23 Pension, profit-sharing, etc., plans

Deferred compensation plans

Employee Benefit Programs

61 Employee benefit programs

Main form, 24 Employee benefit programs


Other Expenses



= Total Operating Expenses – (sum of all operating expenses detailed above)

Total Operating Expenses

48 Compensation of officers

49 Salaries and wages

50 Repairs

51 Bad debts

52 Rent paid on business property

53 Taxes paid

55 Charitable contributions

56 Amortization

57 Depreciation

58 Depletion

59 Advertising

60 Pension, profit-sharing, etc., plans

61 Employee benefit programs

62 Domestic production activities.

64 Other deductions

Main form, 12 Compensation of officers

Main form, 13 Salaries and wages

Main form, 14 Repairs and maintenance

Main form, 15 Bad debts

Main form, 16 Rents

Main form, 17 Taxes and licenses

Main form, 19 Charitable contributions

Main form, 26 Other deductions

Main form, 20 Depreciation

Main form, 21 Depletion

Main form, 22 Advertising

Main form, 23 Pension, profit-sharing, etc., plans

Main form, 24 Employee benefit programs

Main form, 25 Domestic production activities

Main form, 26 Other deductions

Sum of listed items

Operating Profit



= Gross Profit – Total Operating Expenses

Other Revenue

34 Total receipts

35 Business receipts


= 34 Total receipts – 35 Business receipts

Interest Paid

54 Interest paid

Main form, 18 Interest


Net Loss on Non-Capital Assets

63 Net loss, noncapital assets



Net Other Items as Expense



= – (Other Revenue – Interest Paid – Net Loss on Non-Capital Assets)

Earnings Before Taxes (EBT)



= Operating Profit + Net Other Items as Expense

Income Tax

76 Income tax

Schedule J, 2 Income tax


Net Income



= EBT – Income Tax