Financial Data

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Financial Data

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Dollar amounts are in millions ($000,000).

Total Assets (LQ)

Total amount of the issuer’s assets from most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date

Total Liabilities (LQ)

Total amount of the issuer’s liabilities from most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date

Revenue Growth (1Y LTM)

Revenue growth in the twelve months prior the date of the most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date

Total Revenues (LTM)

Total revenues in the twelve months prior to the date of the most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date


EBITDA of the issuer in the twelve months prior to the date of the most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date, where EBITDA is Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization

Pre Tax Income (LTM)

Pre-Tax income of the twelve months prior to the date of the most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date

Net Income/ (Loss) (LTM)

Net income of the issuer in the twelve months prior to the date of the most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date

Net Profit Margin (LTM)

Net Income divided by Total Revenue, expressed as a percentage

Total Debt (LQ)

Total amount of the issuer’s debts from the most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date

Total Equity (LQ)

Total amount of the issuer’s equity from the most recent quarterly financial report prior to the Issue Date