Restricted Common Data

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Restricted Common Data

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Common Stock Portion of Proceeds

Proceeds allocated to the common stocks issued in the private placement, calculated as: Gross Proceeds minus Warrants Portion of Gross Proceeds

Block Size (Shares Outstanding)

A measurement of the size of the deal, calculated as: Shares Sold divided by post-deal shares outstanding

Block Size (Volume)

A measurement of the size of the deal, calculated as: Shares Sold divided by the Trading Volume

Block Size (Quarters to Sell)

A measurement of the size of the deal, calculated as: Shares Sold divided by the Quarterly Trading Volume

Effective Purchase Price Per Share

The net purchase price per share excluding the price allocated to the warrant, if there is any. Calculated as: Common Stock Portion of Proceeds divided by Shares Sold

Common Stock Discount

The effective purchase discount of a common share calculated as: 1-(Effective Purchase Price Per Share/C+0)