Transaction Data

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Transaction Data

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Placement ID

Private placement ID number

Issue Date

Date on which the Private Placement is EITHER: (i) Closed, (ii) a Definitive Agreement is entered into or (iii) Announced

Gross Proceeds ($)

Total capital raised from the private placement

Large Gap Close-Annc. (Y/N)

Whether the time-lag between the Issue Date and First Announcement Date exceeds 90 days

Low-Volume Stock (Y/N)

Whether the common stock has daily dollar trading volume less than $5,000

Penny Stock (Y/N)

Whether the common stock has 10-Day VWAP less than $1.00

Pink Sheet Stock (Y/N)

Whether the common stock trades in Pink Sheets

VWAP (10D)

10-Day Volume-Weighted Average Price prior to the Issue Date


Closing price 7 days prior to the Issue Date


Closing price 1 day prior to the Issue Date


Closing price on the Issue Date


Closing price 1 day after the Issue Date


Closing 3 days after the Issue Date


Closing price 7 days after the Issue Date


Closing price 10 days after the Issue Date


Closing price on the announcement date of the private placement


Closing price 3 days after the announcement date of the private placement