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Dollar amounts are in thousands ($000).

Date Sale Initiated

Date the sale was initiated

Date of Sale

Date the sale was completed

Asking Price

Price the seller wanted


Total reported consideration; i.e. cash, liabilities assumed, etc. excluding real estate.

Inventory Incl'd

Value of inventory included in the sale price

Down Pmt $

Down payment in dollars

Down Pmt % Price

Down payment as percent of sale price

Asset or Stock

Indicates if the sale is on an asset or stock basis

Legal Org

Legal organization of the company sold (C Corp, S Corp, etc,)


Information on the financing terms

Misc Info

Miscellaneous information about the transaction, usually terms

Lease Terms

Terms of Lease

Lease Bal Assm'd

Balance of assumed lease

Noncompete Term

Length in months of noncompete clause in sale contract

Noncmpt Distance

Miles radius specified in noncompete clause

Employ/Conslt Agrmt

Description of employment/consulting agreement