Adding an Account

You can add accounts to the Historic Balance Sheet and to the Historic Income Statement. When you add an account, it automatically appears on all of the non-summary worksheets derived from the historic financial statement. For example, if you add an account to the Historic Balance Sheet, the new account will appear on all of the adjustment worksheets and on the Adjusted Balance Sheet.

step01Select the Account Position

Please Note: There are limitations on where and how you can add accounts. You cannot add accounts in rows that only contain green cells. You cannot add accounts on some of the top level rows, such as Current Assets. On some rows, such as Cash, you can only add sub-accounts.

Select the row where you want the new account to appear, or select the row immediately above. For example, to insert an account where the Savings account currently appears, select a cell in the Savings account row, or select a cell in the Checking account row.

Step02Select the Insert Account Command

Click on the Insert button on the Desktop Toolbar. If the row you selected isn't in a valid position for adding an account, you will receive a prompt telling you so. Otherwise, the Insert Account Dialog Box will open.

Step03Select Account or Sub-Account

This determines which account summarizes the account that you're adding:

wAn account is summarized into the parent account of the currently selected account. For example, inserting an account at the Checking row will create a new row that is summarized into the Cash account.

wA sub-account is summarized into the currently selected account. For example, inserting a sub-account at the Checking row will create a new row that is summarized into the Checking account.

Step04Select Above or Below (Accounts Only)

If you're adding an account, select whether you want the new account to appear above or below the currently selected row. Sub-accounts can only be added below the currently selected row.

Step05Enter a Name

Type a name for the new account into the text box. The default name is "New Account".

Step06Select the Type of Account

Each account must be assigned an Account Type, which determines where the account is summarized in the summary financial statements. By default, the account type is set to match the currently selected account.

Step07Select a Property (If Applicable)

To calculate ratios and determine cash flows, it is important that certain items are properly accounted for. The Account Property determines if the account receives special handling. The default setting is None.


For example, interest can be included in Cost of Goods Sold and in Operating Expenses, but ratios that use interest as an input should include all interest. Setting the Account Property to Interest will ensure that the ratios are calculated correctly.

Step08Select the OK Button

Click on the OK Button. The dialog box will close and the new account will appear in the worksheet.