Excess and Non-Operating Assets

To calculate the value of any excess or non-operating assets, select the Excess and Non-Operating Assets worksheet from the Appraisal \ Assets and Liabilities Adjustments folder. The worksheet compares the business's assets to an industry standard and calculates an adjustment that you can use in your appraisal calculations.

Step01Select the Data Source

The Excess Assets assumption on the Appraisal Assumptions sheet determines the data source used in the Excess and Non-Operating Assets worksheet. If you select Custom Comparison as the data source, the balance sheet percentages for the listed assets will come from the .Custom Comparison worksheets.

Step02Download the Data (RMA and IRS Only)

Download data from the RMA Database or the IRS Corporate Ratios Database.

Please Note: To purchase databases, please call ValuSource at (800) 825-8763. For more information, visit valusource.com.

Step03Enter the Excess Asset Values

Enter the values of the excess assets in the Selected Column.