Financial Analysis Assumptions

The options on the Financial Analysis Assumptions sheet configure the financial analysis worksheets. See Working with Assumptions.

Tip: You can jump to the Financial Analysis Assumptions from the relevant worksheets by clicking on the Assumptions button in the Desktop Toolbar.

Adjusted or Historic Statements

Determines if adjusted or historic financial statements are used in the RMA Comparison, the IRS Comparison, and the Custom Comparison. Disabled when the Adjusted Balance Sheets assumption on the Financial Statements Assumptions Sheet is set to Most Recent Only.

RMA Data

Determines if the Financial Analysis worksheets that use RMA data (RMA Comparison folder) are displayed or hidden.

Please Note: The options indented beneath the RMA Data options are disabled this option is set to False.

Valuation Edition Ptiles

Determines if the percentile rankings from the RMA Valuation Edition are displayed in the RMA Comparison sheets.


Determines if values from the upper quartile (75th percentile) are included in the RMA ratios.


Determines if the median values are included in the RMA ratios.


Determines if values from the lower quartile (25th percentile) are included in the RMA ratios.


Determines if the RMA Comparison worksheets calculate multiple-year analysis.

IRS Data

Determines if the Financial Analysis worksheets that use IRS data (IRS Comparison folder) are displayed or hidden.


Determines if the IRS Comparison worksheets calculate multiple-year analysis. Disabled when the IRS Data assumption (see above) is set to False.

Custom Comparison

Determines if the Custom Comparison worksheets are displayed or hidden.


Determines if the Custom Comparison worksheets calculate multiple-year analysis. Disabled when the Custom Comparison assumption (see above) is set to False.