If you are valuing an entire company or a controlling interest, it may be appropriate to apply a premium for control. If you are valuing a minority interest, you may need to apply a discount for lack of control. All things being equal, on a per-share basis, a controlling interest is worth more than a minority interest. To calculate a premium for control and a discount for lack of control:
Select the Level of Control Worksheet
From the Appraisal \ Premiums and Discounts folder, select the Level of Control worksheet.
Enter or Download the Data
You can enter the data on control premiums manually, or you can download it from the Mergerstat Database.
To enter the data manually, type it into the cells with blue text
To download the data, click on the Get Mergerstat P/D Data button in the Desktop Toolbar.
Please Note: To purchase databases, please call ValuSource at (800) 825-8763. For more information, visit valusource.com.
Select the Data Years
Use the first input column to select which years of the data are used in the premium and discount calculations. Enter a "1" to include the year or a "2" to exclude it.