Liabilities (Non-Contractor Financial Data)

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Liabilities (Non-Contractor Financial Data)

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Notes Payable - Short Term

All short term note obligation, including bank and commercial paper. Does not include trade notes payable.

Current Maturities - LTD

That portion of long term obligation which is due within the next fiscal year.

Trade Payables

Open account due to the trade.

Income Taxes Payable

Income taxes including current portion of deferred taxes.

All Other Current

Any other current liabilities, including bank overdrafts and accrued expenses.

Total Current

Total of all current liabilities listed above.

Long Term Debt

All senior debt, including bonds, debentures bank debt, mortgages, deferred portions of long term debt, and capital lease obligations.

Deferred Taxes

All deferred taxes.

All Other Non-Current

Any other non-current liabilities, including subordinated debt, and liability reserves.

Net Worth

Difference between Total Liabilities and Total Assets. Minority interest in included here.

Total Liabilities & Net Worth

Total of all liability items listed above.