Download/Export Data

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Download/Export Data

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To download data from the SBBI® database into a ValuSource valuation application, or to export the data to an Excel workbook:

Step 1: Select the SBBI Yearbook

The most recent yearbook for which you have purchased data is selected by default. You can change the yearbook from the drop down box at the top of the screen. The selected yearbook determines the data that is available. For more information see Data by Year.

SBBI Select Year

Step 2: Select the Small Company Premium


Skip this step if you are accessing the database from a web browser. The web application exports all of the size premia data for the selected yearbook.

You choose the small company premium from the Deciles tab in the database screen.

SBBI Deciles Tab

The small company premium is determined by the size grouping and the calculation method. The premia are displayed in a table, with the size groupings in rows and calculation methods in columns. You chose a premium by clicking where the correct row and column meet. Which size groupings and calculation methods are available is determined by the selected yearbook (see Data by Year).

SBBI Small Company Premia

Step 3: Select the Industry Specific Risk Premium


Skip this step if you are accessing the database from a web browser. The web application exports all of the industry risk premia data for the selected yearbook.

You choose the industry specific risk premium from the Industry Specific Premia tab in the database screen. If you want to apply this premium, fill the checkbox just beneath the tab. If you do not, make sure the checkbox is empty.

SBBI Industry Tab

Select an industry by highlighting its row in the list.

SBBI Industry List

Step 4: Select a Download/Export Command

When you're ready to download or export the data, use the buttons at the bottom of the screen. The buttons vary with the application you use to access the database.

ArrowIf you're using one of our valuation applications and want to download the data into your valuation project, select the Download Data button or the Analysis button.

ArrowFrom a web browser you can export the data to an Excel workbook.

Valuation Applications

Std Output Buttons Min - Val Apps

Web Browsers

Std Output Buttons Min - Web