Selecting Transactions Manually

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Selecting Transactions Manually

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You can both select and deselect transactions from the Select Trans worksheet. You can only deselect transactions from the Trans Selected worksheet.

Using the Mouse

To select or deselect a transaction using the mouse, right-click on its cell in the Selected column. The cell will change to the opposite setting. If you are deselecting a transaction, the cell will change from True to False. If you are selecting a transaction, it will change from False to True. You can select a range of cells, then toggle all of them by right-clicking on the selected range.

Before Right-Click

Before Right-Click

After Right-Click

After Right-Click

Using the Keyboard

To select a transaction using the keyboard, enter the numeral one ("1") in the transaction's cell in the Selected column of the Select Trans worksheet. You deselect a transaction by entering zero, or by emptying the cell (press [Delete]).