The Analysis options affect Analysis Mode.
The File Locations options set the standard folders for Analysis files (projects) and templates. To change one of these settings, click on the Browse Button to the right of the text box. Use the dialog box that appears to select the folder.
The Navigator options affect the Analysis Navigator when it is in Explore Mode. The View option affects the appearance of the Navigator, and the Collapse option affects its behavior. The checkbox labeled "Show configure bar" determines if the Configure Bar is displayed. The Configure Bar appears at the bottom of the Analysis Navigator, just above the mode tabs.
The View and Collapse options also appear on the Configure Bar. The best way to understand the View and Collapse options is to experiment with them from the Configure Bar. When you have determined which settings work best for you, you can turn off display of the Configure Bar from the Navigator options.
The Year Order option determines whether the columns of annual data in a new Analysis project are arranged in ascending or descending order.
Select Chronological to have the years appear in ascending order (e.g. 2012, 2013, 2014).
Select Reverse to have the years appear in descending order (e.g. 2014, 2013, 2012).