Cell Commands

A Cell command is hot-linked to a single cell in a spreadsheet.  When updated, it retrieves the content of the cell and inserts the content into the command. You change the settings for a Cell command from the Edit Command Panel in the Report Navigator.

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Cell Command - Cell Controls

The Cell text displays the location of the linked cell. The number in brackets is the file ID. The rest of the text string is the cell's address. The address can use Excel's [sheet name]![column & row] notation, or it can be a range name. To view the linked cell, click on the Go to Cell Button. To change the linked cell:

Step01Select the Cell

Select the cell that you want to link to.

wTo link to the report's Analysis file, use Analysis Mode to select the cell.

wTo link to a standard Excel workbook file, use Workbooks Mode to select the cell.

Step02Copy the Cell

Click on the Copy Link Button in the Desktop Toolbar. You can also select Edit | Copy Link.

Step03Paste the Cell

Go to Report Mode and click on the Paste Cell Button in the top right corner of the Edit Command Panel.

Step04Update the Command

Click on the Apply button in the lower right corner of the Edit Command Panel. The new cell will be applied to the command.

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Cell Command - Format Control

The Format control sets the formatting of the cell content. The format is specified as a format string. To apply a new format, select it from the drop down list, then click on the Apply button in the lower right corner of the Edit Command Panel.

Please Note: Cells that display dates and have Same as Excel for their format actually use the Default Date Format from the Report Options.